In this section we have curated some resources featuring the imperfect tense that we think you will love

  • HBEL053 Ce que je portais

    Lots of exercises based around the use of the imperfect tense

    Themes: Clothes, Home & Local Environment

    Grammar: Imperfect

    Format: Spot the Difference, Fast & Furious, Pyramid Translation

    Download Here

  • HBE065 The Imperfect Tense

    This resource follows on nicely from GRAM018 in the Grammar Corner and includes an oral drill, an Oral Ping and two Pyramid Translations to practise the Imperfect with avoir, ĂȘtre and faire. The Imperfect Tense

    Download Here

  • INT043 Imperfect Review

    A useful resource for reviewing the formation and use of the Imperfect Tense

    Imperfect Review

  • INT050 Mon weekend a Strasbourg

    A review of the Perfect and Imperfect Tense using a reading activity, oral drill sentences, a listening bingo and a written activity.

    Download Here


Perfect Tense

