Languages Business Toolkit
One time
For 5 months



WAS £500 NOW £250

I’d love to help you to start or develop your own languages business

Are you a languages teacher? Do you want to work for yourself? Do you need some help getting set up? Do you already have a business teaching languages and would like some support to develop it and make it more sustainable?

I can help you on your journey towards creating a sustainable and profitable languages business - whether you’re looking to teach face to face or online.

My self-study training will help you on your first steps towards your goal of working for yourself. This is born of a passion for teaching languages - I have been running my own languages businesses for over ten years.

It’s working for me - let me help make it work for you

You will probably be asking yourself lots of questions

  • Can I really do it?

  • Can people really make a living out of teaching languages independently?

  • Is there a market there? If there is, how do I find it?

  • Do people really want to learn French/Spanish/Italian (insert your language here)?

  • How do I set it up?

  • How do I find students?

  • How do I keep them?

  • How do I organise myself?

These are questions that I’ve asked myself in the past. And I’ve worked through them and I’ve come up with my ideas - and well, the ideas have worked. I have a stable, sustainable business that I set up over 10 years ago and worked through the pandemic to emerge stronger and better.

This is Barbara teaching one of her French classes to adults

This is Barbara teaching one of her French classes to adults

Languages Business Toolkit
One time
For 5 months


What one languages professional said about the course

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It has made me think about things that I had not considered properly previously but that are very important. It really does give you the tools to be able to get started.

- Nicola, French Teacher & Business Owner 

The structure of the course is simple:

1. You join online (whenever you’re ready to do it) (it’s not free, but I promise you there is great value in the course).

2. You work through the videos and workbooks (at your own speed) which will help you to work on your business idea. You will have access to the videos for as long as you need them, so don’t worry that they’ll disappear one day.

Unit 1 - Getting Started

Discover practical tips to help you get started - finding a venue, marketing tips, organising your timetable

Unit 4 - Developing

Find out about ways to develop your business once you’ve got it established. I talk about scaling and consolidating in this section - you’ll learn so much

Unit 2 - Practicalities

Learn about creating & implementing different business systems to help you navigate self employment

Zoom with me

Add on an optional Zoom session with me to put your ideas into action (when you sign up you will get a discount code to use on Power Hour or 12 week mentoring programme with me)

Unit 3 - Marketing

Marketing is such an important part of your business, learn about different ways to market your languages business, using Facebook, Twitter and other more traditional ways of finding clients

Workbooks & Links

In each unit you will receive workbooks and links to useful websites which will allow you to reflect on your progress and help you to identify areas for development

Who are your learners? Where will you find them?

Whether you teach online or face to face, this course will give you the skills to develop your own languages business

Whether you teach online or face to face, this course will give you the skills to develop your own languages business

Still Not Sure ?

Feel free to give me a on ring 07946 115 256 or drop me an email on and we can talk through the questions you may have - or click on the button below to see the full programme.

What’s the investment ?

Firstly - you need to invest your time - if you really want your business to succeed you should be prepared to spend your precious time on the essentials and we can help you decide what is essential to make your business work.

Secondly - you’ll need to invest some money in this - I am asking you to invest £499 to access the course . If you’d like additional Zoom time then you’ll get a code for 10% off the current rate when you sign up to the course. A payment plan is available but if you’d like a different plan, please get in touch.

When does it start?

The course is available now so you can get started straightaway - why wait?

How long does it last?

This is a self-study course so it lasts as long as you’d like it to - or if you whizz through it you can finish it as quickly as you can. Just remember though that it will be there for as long as you need it to.

Languages Business Toolkit
One time
For 5 months


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The main takeaway for me was that the course enabled me to focus my ideas and fully visualise my business plan. - Laura, Languages Teacher and Owner of On-Francais 

Languages Business Toolkit
One time
For 5 months


What People Have Said About the Course

I have just completed Grab and Go unit one, Getting started, which was both comprehensive and informative. The video course was interesting and well presented and the additional worksheets are helpful for initial organisation when setting up your new business. The main takeaway for me was that the course enabled me to focus my ideas and fully visualise my business plan. 

I I would highly recommend the Grab and Go course, which has given me some much needed guidance, support and confidence in the initial stages of setting up my freelance language tutoring business.

Laura, French Teacher & Business Owner

I was feeling nervous about setting up my own business but completing this unit has given me the confidence and motivation to turn my business ideas into reality. It has made me think about things that I had not considered properly previously but that are very important. It really does give you the tools to be able to get started.

The subsequent zoom session was a great chance for me to ask questions and was completely tailored to my needs.  What a wealth of knowledge and ideas these two ladies have, every question I asked

An invaluable resource to get your business up and running.

- Nicola, French Teacher & Business Owner

About me

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Barbara Allen - Lingua Forme

I’ve been teaching French to adults for the past 15 years,

I started off with a small group of 3 teaching beginners French at a local library and now I have grown the business to over 80 learners at 3 venues.

During the global pandemic I took my business online and now teach through Zoom until we can get back face to face.

My business grew during this period and I have increased the services and activities that I can offer my learners.

I love teaching, I love learning and I would love to be able to share what I’ve learned during my business journey.


Click on the slideshow below to see some images of my groups